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Quick start

How to authenticate with Datavalid

The APIs provided by SERPRO utilize the OAuth2 protocol for authentication and access authorization of the contracted APIs. Follow the steps below to authenticate and use Datavalid.

1. First step - Get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

To use the APIs, you need to obtain the two codes (Consumer Key and Consumer Secret) provided in the Customer Area. These codes serve to identify the contract. Access credentials can be obtained from the Serpro customer's area.


Consumer Key: djaR21PGoYp1iyK2n2ACOH9REdUb    
Consumer Secret: ObRsAJWOL4fv2Tp27D1vd8fB3Ote

Important notice

Your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret serve as identification for both you, the user, and your contract with SERPRO. Keep this information secure.

2. Second step - Request the Bearer Token

To query the APIs, you need to acquire a temporary access token (Bearer). This token has 1 hour of expiration time and, once expired, you must repeat the step of requesting a new access token.

How to request the Access Token (Bearer)

To request the temporary token, you need to make an HTTP POST request to the Token endpoint at In the HTTP Header Authorization, you should provide the access credentials (consumerKey:consumerSecret) in Base64 format. Here is an example:

[HEAD] Authorization: Basic base64(Consumer Key:Consumer Secret) 
[HEAD] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
[POST] grant_type=client_credentials

To use in the Authorization parameter, you need to combine the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret codes using a ":" as the separator. Then, convert the resulting string to BASE64. In the following example, the string ZGphUjIx[...]IzT3RlCg is returned:

echo -n "djaR21PGoYp1iyK2n2ACOH9REdUb:ObRsAJWOL4fv2Tp27D1vd8fB3Ote" | base64




curl -k -d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--header "Authorization: Basic ZGphUjIxUEdvWXAxaXlLMm4yQUNPSDlSRWRVYjpPYlJzQUpXT0w0ZnYyVHAyN0QxdmQ4ZkIzT3RlCg" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
// NodeJs - Request
var request = require('request');
var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'Authorization': 'Basic ZGphUjIxUEdvWXAxaXlLMm4yQUNPSDlSRWRVYjpPYlJzQUpXT0w0ZnYyVHAyN0QxdmQ4ZkIzT3RlCg',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  form: {
    'grant_type': 'client_credentials'
request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);
// Java - Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(30000, 10000);
HttpResponse<String> response ="")
  .header("Authorization", "Basic ZGphUjIxUEdvWXAxaXlLMm4yQUNPSDlSRWRVYjpPYlJzQUpXT0w0ZnYyVHAyN0QxdmQ4ZkIzT3RlCg")
  .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  .field("grant_type", "client_credentials")
$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'grant_type=client_credentials',
    'Authorization: Basic ZGphUjIxUEdvWXAxaXlLMm4yQUNPSDlSRWRVYjpPYlJzQUpXT0w0ZnYyVHAyN0QxdmQ4ZkIzT3RlCg',
    'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;


If you experience "415 Unsupported Media Type" errors in the Token request call, use the "Content-Type" header field with the value "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

[HEAD] Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

3. Third step - Receive the Token

Following the preceding step, the API access token will be included in the access_token portion of the JSON response from the endpoint. This token should be informed in the next steps. Be mindful of the expiration time of the access token.

Receive the Token

As a result, the endpoint will report the API access token in the "access_token" field of the returned JSON message. This token should be informed in the next steps.

    "scope": "am_application_scope default", 
    "token_type": "Bearer", 
    "expires_in": 3295, 
    "access_token": "c66a7def1c96f7008a0c397dc588b6d7"

Important Notice

If you got started before February 12th, 2023, you'll continue to receive 40 character tokens.

Renewal of the Access Token

The access token has a validity of one (1) hour. It is recommended to generate an access token once per hour. Continue using the access token until the gateway returns an HTTP CODE 401 after making a request to an API. To renew the token, simply follow the second step on How to request the Access Token (Bearer).

4. Fourth step - Making a request

How to activate Datavalid V3

Datavalid V3 has been launched and includes essential improvements. Follow this link to find out how to have access to this new version.

Using the APIs

With the Access Token in hand, you can now proceed to make a request to one of the services, such as the Datavalid Demo API.

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 06aef429-a981-3ec5-a1f8-71d38d86481e" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"key\":{\"cpf\":\"25774435016\"},\"answer\":{\"nome\":\"João\",\"sexo\":\"M\",\"nacionalidade\":1,\"filiacao\":{\"nome_mae\":\"Mãe do João\",\"nome_pai\":\"Pai do João\"},\"documento\":{\"tipo\":1,\"numero\":\"000001\",\"orgao_expedidor\":\"SSP\",\"uf_expedidor\":\"DF\"},\"endereco\":{\"logradouro\":\"Nome do Logradouro\",\"numero\":\"0007\",\"complemento\":\"APTO 2015\",\"bairro\":\"Nome do Bairro\",\"cep\":\"0000001\",\"municipio\":\"Nome do municipio\",\"uf\":\"DF\"},\"cnh\":{\"categoria\":\"AB\",\"numero_registro\":\"0000001\",\"data_primeira_habilitacao\":\"2000-10-31\",\"data_validade\":\"2005-12-10\",\"registro_nacional_estrangeiro\":\"123456\",\"data_ultima_emissao\":\"2000-10-01\",\"codigo_situacao\":\"3\"},\"data_nascimento\":\"2001-01-01\",\"situacao_cpf\":\"regular\"}}"
//NodeJs - Request
var request = require('request');
var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer 06aef429-a981-3ec5-a1f8-71d38d86481e',
    'Accept': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    "key": {
      "cpf": "25774435016"
    "answer": {
      "nome": "João",
      "sexo": "M",
      "nacionalidade": 1,
      "filiacao": {
        "nome_mae": "Mãe do João",
        "nome_pai": "Pai do João"
      "documento": {
        "tipo": 1,
        "numero": "000001",
        "orgao_expedidor": "SSP",
        "uf_expedidor": "DF"
      "endereco": {
        "logradouro": "Nome do Logradouro",
        "numero": "0007",
        "complemento": "APTO 2015",
        "bairro": "Nome do Bairro",
        "cep": "0000001",
        "municipio": "Nome do municipio",
        "uf": "DF"
      "cnh": {
        "categoria": "AB",
        "numero_registro": "0000001",
        "data_primeira_habilitacao": "2000-10-31",
        "data_validade": "2005-12-10",
        "registro_nacional_estrangeiro": "123456",
        "data_ultima_emissao": "2000-10-01",
        "codigo_situacao": "3"
      "data_nascimento": "2001-01-01",
      "situacao_cpf": "regular"

request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);
//Java - Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response ="")
  .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  .header("Authorization", "Bearer 06aef429-a981-3ec5-a1f8-71d38d86481e")
  .header("Accept", "application/json")
  .body("{\n    \"key\": {\n        \"cpf\": \"25774435016\"\n    },\n    \"answer\": {\n        \"nome\": \"João\",\n        \"sexo\": \"M\",\n        \"nacionalidade\": 1,\n        \"filiacao\": {\n        \"nome_mae\": \"Mãe do João\",\n        \"nome_pai\": \"Pai do João\"\n        },\n        \"documento\": {\n        \"tipo\": 1,\n        \"numero\": \"000001\",\n        \"orgao_expedidor\": \"SSP\",\n        \"uf_expedidor\": \"DF\"\n        },\n        \"endereco\": {\n        \"logradouro\": \"Nome do Logradouro\",\n        \"numero\": \"0007\",\n        \"complemento\": \"APTO 2015\",\n        \"bairro\": \"Nome do Bairro\",\n        \"cep\": \"0000001\",\n        \"municipio\": \"Nome do municipio\",\n        \"uf\": \"DF\"\n        },\n        \"cnh\": {\n        \"categoria\": \"AB\",\n        \"numero_registro\": \"0000001\",\n        \"data_primeira_habilitacao\": \"2000-10-31\",\n        \"data_validade\": \"2005-12-10\",\n        \"registro_nacional_estrangeiro\": \"123456\",\n        \"data_ultima_emissao\": \"2000-10-01\",\n        \"codigo_situacao\": \"3\"\n        },\n        \"data_nascimento\": \"2001-01-01\",\n        \"situacao_cpf\": \"regular\"\n    }\n}")
//PHP - HTTP_Request2
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';
$request = new HTTP_Request2();
  'follow_redirects' => TRUE
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer 06aef429-a981-3ec5-a1f8-71d38d86481e',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'
$request->setBody('{\n    "key": {\n        "cpf": "25774435016"\n    },\n    "answer": {\n        "nome": "João",\n        "sexo": "M",\n        "nacionalidade": 1,\n        "filiacao": {\n        "nome_mae": "Mãe do João",\n        "nome_pai": "Pai do João"\n        },\n        "documento": {\n        "tipo": 1,\n        "numero": "000001",\n        "orgao_expedidor": "SSP",\n        "uf_expedidor": "DF"\n        },\n        "endereco": {\n        "logradouro": "Nome do Logradouro",\n        "numero": "0007",\n        "complemento": "APTO 2015",\n        "bairro": "Nome do Bairro",\n        "cep": "0000001",\n        "municipio": "Nome do municipio",\n        "uf": "DF"\n        },\n        "cnh": {\n        "categoria": "AB",\n        "numero_registro": "0000001",\n        "data_primeira_habilitacao": "2000-10-31",\n        "data_validade": "2005-12-10",\n        "registro_nacional_estrangeiro": "123456",\n        "data_ultima_emissao": "2000-10-01",\n        "codigo_situacao": "3"\n        },\n        "data_nascimento": "2001-01-01",\n        "situacao_cpf": "regular"\n    }\n}');
try {
  $response = $request->send();
  if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
    echo $response->getBody();
  else {
    echo 'Unexpected HTTP status: ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' .
catch(HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
  echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

In the example above the following parameters were used:

  • [HEADER] Accept: application/json

We indicate the type of data we are requesting, in this case, JSON.

  • [HEADER] Authorization: Bearer 06aef429-a981-3ec5-a1f8-71d38d86481e

We will inform you about the received access token.

  • [HEADER] Content-Type: application/json

We specify the type of data we are sending, which in this case is JSON.

  • [BODY] JSON containing the data to be checked

Example of Json sent in body:

    "key": {
        "cpf": "25774435016"
    "answer": {
        "nome": "João",
        "sexo": "M",
        "nacionalidade": 1,
        "filiacao": {
        "nome_mae": "Mãe do João",
        "nome_pai": "Pai do João"
        "endereco": {
        "logradouro": "Nome do Logradouro",
        "numero": "0007",
        "complemento": "APTO 2015",
        "bairro": "Nome do Bairro",
        "cep": "0000001",
        "municipio": "Nome do municipio",
        "uf": "DF"
        "cnh": {
        "categoria": "AB",
        "numero_registro": "0000001",
        "data_primeira_habilitacao": "2000-10-31",
        "data_validade": "2005-12-10",
        "registro_nacional_estrangeiro": "123456",
        "data_ultima_emissao": "2000-10-01",
        "codigo_situacao": "3"
        "data_nascimento": "2001-01-01",
        "situacao_cpf": "regular"
  • [POST]
    We make a call to the API URL and specify the desired method. In this case, the base URL is "", and the method is "validate/pf".

Example of expected response:

"nome": false,
"sexo": false,
"nacionalidade": true,
"filiacao": {
    "nome_mae": false,
    "nome_mae_similaridade": 0.4545454545454546,
    "nome_pai": false,
    "nome_pai_similaridade": 0.09090909090909094
"cnh": {
    "nome": false,
    "categoria": true,
    "nome_similaridade": 0.15384615384615385,
    "numero_registro": false,
    "data_primeira_habilitacao": false,
    "data_validade": false,
    "registro_nacional_estrangeiro": true,
    "data_ultima_emissao": false
"documento": {
    "tipo": true,
    "numero": true,
    "numero_similaridade": 1,
    "orgao_expedidor": true,
    "uf_expedidor": true
"endereco": {
    "logradouro": false,
    "numero": false,
    "bairro": false,
    "cep": false,
    "uf": false,
    "logradouro_similaridade": 0.05555555555555558,
    "numero_similaridade": 0,
    "bairro_similaridade": 0.2142857142857143
"cpf_disponivel": true,
"nome_similaridade": 0.15384615384615385,
"situacao_cpf": true


The above API query call is for demonstration only. The available APIs and their respective URLs (endpoints) for use are found in the API Reference. These URLs can be accessed by referring to the documentation of their respective OpenAPI Specifications (OAS).

How to use the Datavalid Demo

Datavalid Demo serves as a test environment for Datavalid. It allows users to experiment with the API's features using sample data (Mock). Its purpose is to provide a practical demonstration of the API's functionality. To use it:

  1. Access the Datavalid Demo
  2. Choose the method (endpoint) to test
  3. Click on Try it Out
  4. Enter the headers you want and/or change the content of the request body
  5. Click Run

How to find what can be validated

The Datavalid API Reference is available in OAS/Swagger, which is a commonly used standard for API documentation. See below for details on possible validation fields.

1. Navigate to the API Reference

Campos para validação 1

2. Locate the desired method

Campos para validação 2

3. Click on this method and locate the "Request Body" section

Campos para validação 3

4. Locate the "Schema" tab

Campos para validação 4

5. Find the details of the data fields

At the deepest level of the fields, you can find the data type and domains of certain fields, if applicable. Campos para validação 5

You can find the same information regarding the response fields in the "Response" section, rather than the Request Body.