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Release notes

December / 2023

  • Since Nov 30/2023, the similarity index returns of the fields document number * (documento, numero_similaridade) and address number (endereco, numero_similaridade) began to return the percentage of similarity in the interval between 0 and 1 . Until then, the fields documento/numero_similaridade and endereco/numero_similaridade returned only 0 or 1.
    Please notice that the
    boolean* documento/numero and endereco/numero keeps the return as "true" (1) when the percentage of similarity is 100% and "false" (0) when the percentage of similarity is different from 100%. This change aims to give more flexibility and decision-making power to customers who use the cited fields.

July / 2023

  • Now, in addition to the already existing "female" and "male" for gender, the "other" option will be also available. This way, the “sexo” (gender) field will validate: “F” for “female”, “M” for “male, or "O" for other, according to Renach database. Datavalid will be updated with the new feature in all versions and it is now available for use since 14/07/2023. Learn more about validating the "gender" field in the API reference.

  • Since July 7, 2023, the validation for the fields "nome_orgao" and "ente_federativo" of legal entities is no longer available. This change is reflected in all versions of Datavalid, in accordance with PORTARIA RFB Nº 220, dated September 20, 2022.

May / 2023

Improved documentation of Tag Requests (Optional identifier). See more.

March / 2023

  • Improvements in documentation for Unique Identifiers in requests. The x-request-trace-id field enables a unique identification of requests to Datavalid. This allows for a thorough examination of all requests. See more.

  • Improved documentation for Timestamped Requests. See more.

  • As of March 20, 2023, Datavalid will introduce a new HTTP 422: DV002 return code. This implementation aims to improve the effectiveness of the digital identity validation process.

August / 2022

  • Launched Datavalid V3, which includes improved features and performance enhancements.

  • Facial Validation + CDV It provides integrated validation for data extracted from a photo of a CNH document, as well as validation for the accompanying selfie. See more information on the Facial-CDV page.

  • Indication that a CPF (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) has a driver's license (Driver's License Available). In the successful calls (return 200), the Datavalid service now includes a new variable called "cnh_disponivel" which is a Boolean value (true/false). This variable indicates whether the CPF being consulted has a driver's license (CNH) in the official government database.

  • Now, PDFs are accepted as an image format for face validation.

  • ISO format for fingerprints is now accepted

  • Increase in throughput Without picture: 5/s to 100/s With image: 3/s to 46/s

  • Reduction of the response time The average validation time without images is below 1 second. The average time for facial validations is 2 seconds. Fingerprint validations typically take between 2 and 5 seconds, with the duration depending on the number of fingerprints being processed.

  • Service endpoints changed in V3

From To
v2/validate/pf v3/validate/pf-basica
v2/validate/pf-face v3/validate/pf-facial
v2/validate/pf-digital v3/validate/pf-digital
v2/validate/pf-imagem v3/validate/pf-facial-digital
v2/validate/pj v3/validate/pj-basica
  • New Endpoint: v3/validate/pf-facial-cdv

More information in API Reference and Validating Document Data.


  • In order to make the codigo_situacao (CNH status) field easier to use, we have simplified the validation options for this field. Now there are only 3 options: "issued", "canceled" and "in issue".
  • Compatibility with the previous options has been maintained. However, we suggest reviewing any requests that use the validation of this field to benefit from this improvement.

More details

For most validations, statuses such as "issued," "confirmed," "old model," and "changed" are now considered equivalent to "issued". "Authorized issue" status is now considered equivalent to "in issue". The statuses "canceled by Detran error", "canceled by graphical error", and "canceled by other reasons" are considered to be equivalent to "canceled". The update was made in the API Reference, specifically in the documentation of the codigo_situacao (CNH status) field.

The options were grouped according to the table below:

Cód. Situação Cód. equiv. Situação Equivalente
1 emissão autorizada 2 em emissão
2 em emissão em emissão
3 emitida 3 emitida
4 confirmada emitida
5 modelo antigo emitida
6 alterada emitida
A cancelada erro detran A cancelada
B cancelada erro gráfica cancelada
Z cancelada outros motivos cancelada

September / 2021

  • Improvements in the validation of the CNH "observações" (notes) field. The "observacoes_similaridade" field now displays the percentage of accurate observations in the CNH observations field, as compared to the submitted observations. The list of abbreviated observations is standardized by Denatran. For more information, please refer to "cnh" in the API Reference.

Example of a Request:

  "key": {
    "cpf": "33840981026"
  "answer": {
    "nome": "Maria Barbosa",
    "cnh": {
      "categoria": "AB",
      "observacoes": "ear"

Example of a Response:

"cnh": {
    "nome": true,
    "categoria": true,
    "observacoes": true,
    "observacoes_similaridade": 1.0

June / 2021

  • API v2 improvements: In the validation of pf-face (Cpf + photo only), when there is no photo available, HTTP 422 (DV040) will be returned. Not available in any version prior to v2.

March / 2021

  • Improvements have been made in address validation.

January / 2021

  • Inclusion of new fields from the CNH "observacoes'' and the field ''posssui_impedimento" for validation, inside the 'cnh' object. Refer to the API Reference for more details. Not available in any version prior to v2.

October / 2020

  • New API Gateway added. Further information is located in the Endpoints and Gateways section.

  • According to Article 14 of the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD, Law Nº13.709, of August 14, 2018), certain data processing is not allowed.

September / 2020

  • Batch validation.

April / 2020

  • Facial validation accuracy was improved from 99.39% to 99.9%, based on our control base. Not available in any version prior to v2.

  • Ensured verification solution met NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) biometric validation standards. Not available in any version prior to v2.

February / 2020

  • API Documentation in English

  • Validations for methods containing biometrics also have the CNH fields: "registro_nacional_estrangeiro" (foreign national registry), "codigo_situacao" (status code), and "data_ultima_emissao" (date of last issue). Available from v1.

December / 2019

  • Improving verification of digital quality.

  • Optimization in the consultation of integrated services;

  • Progress has been made in the monitoring of our services.

  • Validation now includes the calculation of the similarity index (numero_similaridade) for the document number field. Available from v1. See the example below:


"documento": {
  "tipo": 1,
  "numero": "000001",
  "orgao_expedidor": "SSP",
  "uf_expedidor": "DF"


"documento": {
    "tipo": true,
    "numero": false,
    "numero_similaridade": 0.857142857,
    "orgao_expedidor": true,
    "uf_expedidor": false

October / 2019

  • Improved document number validation.

August / 2019

  • Improved validation of CPF strings.

July / 2019

  • Inclusion of the optional "x-request-tag" attribute of the header.