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Information that can be validated

See below for possible validation fields. For technical details, consult the API Reference available in OAS/Swagger, a widely used API documentation standard. See below how to find available data for validation in the API Reference.

Fields for biometric validation

For biometric comparison, Datavalid provides validation by facial recognition and/ or fingerprints of individuals who have CNH (driver's license).

Learn more about the specific requirements for validating images (such as facial or fingerprint) by reading the Requirements for Image Submission.

Also, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about biometric validation in the FAQ.

Origin of the data Biometrical fields INPUT Return
coded in Base64
available: true/false
probability: Very low, Low, High or Very high probability
similarity: 0 to 1, where 1=100%
coded in Base64

Fingerprint position
0 - right thumb
1 - right index
2 - right middle
3 - right ring
4 - right little
5 - left thumb
6 - left index
7 - left middle
8 - left ring
9 - left little
available: true/false
probability: Very low, Low, High or Very high probability
similarity: 0 to 1, where 1=100%

Fields for biographical validation

For the purpose of comparing biographical information, Datavalid offers validation services for individual registration data (PF) and legal entity registration data (CNPJ).

Fields for biographical validation of Individuals

List of fields available for validation of individual data through Datavalid.

It is important to note that:

  • For CPFs without a CNH, only the following fields will be validated: Registration number, Name, Date of Birth, and Status of the CPF.

  • From version 3 of Datavalid, the new feature cnh_disponivel: true/false is available. This feature allows you to determine if a CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) has a CNH (drivers license) by returning either true or false.

  • For complete information with details and correct use of fields, please refer to the API reference.

Origin of the data Biografical fields Range Return
RFB cpf cpf_disponivel: true/false
RFB cpf_situacao regular
deceased holder
pending settlement
canceled by multiplicity
canceled ex officio
situacao_cpf: true/false
RFB data_nascimento (date of birth) data_nascimento: true/false
RFB and Renach (driver's license) nome (name) nome: true/false
nome_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
Renach (driver's license) sexo (gender) F – feminino (female)
M – masculino (male)
O – outro (other)
sexo: true/false
Renach (driver's license) nacionalidade (nationality) 1 – brasileiro (Brazilian)
2 – brasileiro naturalizado (Brazilian naturalized citizen)
3 – estrangeiro (foreign)
4 – brasileiro nascido no exterior (Brazilian born abroad)
nacionalidade: true/false
Renach (driver's license) nome_mae (mother's name) nome_mae: true/false
nome_mae_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
Renach (driver's license) nome_pai (father's name) nome_pai: true/false
nome_mae_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
Renach (driver's license) categoria (type) categoria: true/false
Renach (driver's license) observacoes (notes) observacoes: true/false
observacoes_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
Renach (driver's license) numero_registro (register number) numero_registro: true/false
Renach (driver's license) data_primeira_pabilitacao (date of first emission) data_primeira_habilitacao: true/false
Renach (driver's license) data_validade (expiration date) data_validade: true/false
Renach (driver's license) registro_nacional_estrangeiro (foreing number) registro_nacional_estrangeiro: true/false
Renach (driver's license) data_ultima_emissao (date of last issuance) data_ultima_emissao: true/false
Renach (driver's license) codigo_situacao (status code) 2 - being issued
3 - issued
A - canceled
codigo_situacao: true/false
Renach (CNH) documento/tipo 1 - ID card
2 - Professional ID
3 - Passport
4 - Reservist Document
tipo: true/false
Renach (CNH) documento/numero - numero: true/false
numero_similaridade: de 0 to 1, with 1=100%
Renach (CNH) documento/orgao_expedidor - orgao_expedidor: true/false
Renach (CNH) documento/uf_expedidor AC, AL, AM, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MT, MS, MG, PA, PB, PR, PE, PI, RJ, RN, RS, RO, RR, SC, SP, SE, TO uf_expedidor: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/logradouro - logradouro: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/complemento - complemento: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/numero - numero: true/false
numero_similaridade: de 0 to 1, with 1=100%
Renach (CNH) endereco/bairro - bairro: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/cep - cep: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/municipio - municipio: true/false
Renach (CNH) endereco/uf AC, AL, AM, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MT, MS, MG, PA, PB, PR, PE, PI, RJ, RN, RS, RO, RR, SC, SP, SE, TO uf: true/false

List of legal entity fields available for validation through Datavalid

Origin of the data Registration data Range Return
RFB cnpj cnpj_disponivel: true/false
RFB razao_social (corporate name) razao_social: true/false 
razao_social_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB nome_fantasia (trade name) nome_fantasia: true/false 
nome_fantasia_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB data_abertura (opening date) data_abertura: true/false
RFB Porte (size) 00 - não informado (not informed)
01 – microempresa (micro)
03 - empresa pequeno porte (small)
05 - empresa grande porte (large)
porte: true/false
RFB situacao_especial (status) situacao_especial: true/false 
situacao_especial_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB correio_eletronico (e-mail) correio_eletronico: true/false 
correio_eletronico_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB capital_social (share capital) capital_social: true/false
RFB telefone – ddd (telephone prefix number) ddd: true/false
RFB telefone – numero (telephone number) numero: true
RFB endereco – logradouro (address) logradouro: true/false 
logradouro_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB endereco – numero (address number) numero: true/false 
numero_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB endereco – complemento (address 2) complemento: true/false 
complemento_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB endereco – bairro (neighborhood) bairro: true/false 
bairro_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB endereco – cep (zip code) cep: true/false
RFB endereco – municipio (city) municipio: true/false 
municipio_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB endereco – uf (state) AC, AL, AM, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MT, MS, MG, PA, PB, PR, PE, PI, RJ, RN, RS, RO, RR, SC, SP, SE, TO uf: true/false
RFB cnae_principal – codigo (cnae code) codigo: true/false
RFB cnae_principal – descricao (cnae description) descricao: true/false 
descricao_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB natureza_juridica – codigo (legal classification code) codigo: true/false
RFB natureza_juridica – descricao (legal classification description) descricao: true/false 
descricao_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%
RFB situacao_cadastral – codigo (status code) 2 – ativa (active)
3 – suspensa (suspended)
4 – inapta (unfit)
8 – baixada (closed)
codigo: true/false
RFB situacao_cadastral – data (status data) data: true/false
RFB situacao_cadastral – motivo (status reason) motivo: true/false 
motivo_similaridade: from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%

What are objective fields

Objective fields are fields that have a specific set of criteria for filling them in. These criteria determine how the field should be completed and what information should be provided. The available options for filling in certain fields are restricted either by the domain table or the specific content that is expected in the field. This could be the case for fields like date of birth or driver's license category (CNH). This characteristic applies to both individuals and legal entities.

An example of validation with the field "data de nascimento" (date of birth) whose fictitious record in the base is "04/06/1975"


"data_nascimento": "1975-06-04"


"data_nascimento": true

What are descriptive fields

Descriptive fields, such as "name" or "mother's name", are fields where users can enter free text without any specific rules or restrictions. This characteristic applies to both individuals and legal entities.

An example of validation with the field "nome" (name) whose registration in the fictitious base is "Manuela Elisa da Mota"


"nome": "Manuela Elisa da Mota"


"nome": true,

"nome": 1

For descriptive fields, the return value will be "true" if the similarity is 100% (equal to 1) or "false" if it is less than 100%.