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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Sign Up

I'm looking for further details about Datavalid, where can I find them?

Visit Datavalid webpage for additional information about the service.

I would like to sign up for Datavalid. How can I do that?

Please reach out to us by sending a message to our international business development team

I signed up for Datavalid. Where can I find information on how to use the service?

Your contact information, including contract entitlement status, Consumer key, Consumer secret, endpoint, and a link to documentation, can be found in your client area at

Billing and Consumption

What API calls Datavalid are charged in Datavalid?

The detailed list of the possible return codes from the API is available in the section Return Codes.

How is the Datavalid API consumption accounting performed?

The billing period for service provision will be from the 21st of the previous month to the 20th of the specified month in the report. Example: For billing March 21 the calculation is made from 21/02/21 to 20/03/21.

How can I request a consumption report for a specific period? This can be either for the total invoice or a partial invoice.

The calculation can be performed in the client area of the Serpro government website ( The user who has logged into the customer area can check the consumption of the services they have contracted by using the "Consumption of Services" feature. This allows them to view the details of each service they have contracted.

What is the charge for facial biometrics of unavailable CNH?

From June 1, 2021, onwards, there will be no charge for validations that are carried out using only the CPF and the photo. However, if the photo is not available in the databases, you will receive an HTTP 422 error with the code DV040, indicating that the face image was not found. It is important to note that if validation is performed which includes biographical data along with the CPF, there will be an additional charge for basic biographical validation. This charge will be applied after completing the data validation and receiving a successful HTTP response with code 200: OK. This facility is only available in Datavalid version 2 (V2). For previous versions, a biographical validation fee will be applied. We recommend upgrading to version 2 to benefit from this improvement.

Biographical Information Validation

What data can be validated?

The data that can be validated is listed in the API Reference. Check the quick guide on how to find all information on the data that can be validated. It provides a step-by-step process to help you find the available fields for validation.

Biometric Validation

What size image should be sent for validation?

The minimum size needed for Datavalid to function is 250 x 250 pixels, and the recommended image resolution is 750 x 750 pixels. See more at minimum requirements for validanting images.

How many CNH (driver's licenses) can be validated?

Around 83.7 million CNHs.

What data can be validated if the CPF does not have CNH?

For individuals who do not have a CNH, only the following fields will be validated: Registration number, Name, Date of Birth, and Status of the CPF. From version 3 of Datavalid, there is now a new feature that includes the return value cnh_disponivel:false. This value indicates whether the CPF (Brazilian identification document) has a driver's license (CNH) associated with it.

Why was the validation of facial biometrics not performed if the citizen has CNH?

In certain cases, the CNH photo may not be available at the base. This situation may occur in some cases due to the process of loading images of CNH photos that is carried out by the printers responsible for issuing the document.

What are the possible CNH biometric data validation?

Biometric data available for validation include: biometrics and biometrics (10 fingers). Learn more at API Reference. Check the quick guide on how to find all information about validated data.

What are the biometric similarity ranges defined by Datavalid?

The criteria for biometric validations are defined by a range and a percentage. According to the degree of similarity, the probability range is determined. The ranges apply to both face and digital validation.

Probability Range
Very high probability 100% - 93%
High probability 92.99% - 85%
Low probability 84.99% - 32%
Very low probability 31.99% - 0%

Is it possible to have access to the images used for comparison in biometric validation?

Datavalid never returns images or any data used for validation, only a percentage of validation according to the images submitted.

What is the accuracy level (FAR and FRR) of Datavalid validation?

Below are the Scores of the Datavalid solution (V2), based on the tests of the internal validation base of SERPRO, where about 30,000 balanced comparisons between positive and negative images were performed:

High Probability Range (>=85%)

  • FAR: 0.059%
  • FRR: 0.022%

Range >= 90%

  • FAR: 0.039%
  • FRR: 0.249%

High Probability Range (>= 93%)

  • FAR: 0.006% (every 1 million, 60 are False positive)
  • FRR: 2.783% (every 1 million, 27,830 are False negative)

Service Levels - SLA

What is the Datavalid Availability Service Level (SLA)?

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is 98%. However, the average Service Level Agreement (SLA) percentage has been consistently higher than 98% in recent measurements.

API response time Service Level Agreements (SLAs) refer to the average time it takes for an API to respond to calls.

The reference time for Datavalid validations:

  • The average time for validations without images is 1 second.
  • The average time for face validations is 2 seconds.
  • Digital validations typically take between 2 and 5 seconds, depending on the number of fingerprints being processed.

The response times may vary slightly depending on the client's network connectivity and conditions, but the maximum response time can be considered as 30 seconds.

How many requests per second are supported?

Our throughput for methods with images is around 46/s, and for methods without images 100/s.

Error Handling

Is there a maximum size limit for sending requests?

The total size of all requests should not exceed 3MB.

What are the possible return errors in photo biometric validation?

Possible errors can be found in the API reference, specifically in the Responses section at the end of each method. Alternatively, you can also refer to the Error Code Table page.